本研究使用國內某家上市商業銀行之雲嘉南地區內所屬分行中,2005年至2009年間其內部中小企業授信放款契約資料為研究對象,涵蓋254家中小企業授信戶總計624筆授信契約為實證樣本,主要探討往來關係(往來年限與往來銀行家數)和主力銀行對中小企業授信戶其授信利率加碼數及額度的影響。實證結果顯示,當中小企業授信戶其與銀行往來年限及家數愈多時,皆會提高銀行授信金額,但僅往來銀行年限對利率加碼數呈負向影響;同時若為主力銀行可增加銀行授信金額並享有較低的利率加碼數的效果,特別是金融風暴期間不僅會提升利率加碼數且也會降低銀行授信金額。此外,若中小企業其主力銀行為此分行且同時存在往來銀行家數愈多時,其所獲得的授信金額也愈多,但利率加碼數亦愈多;同時,若中小企業非以此分行為主力銀行者,其所獲得授信金額也會提高,但可獲取較低的利率加碼數。 Using loan contrac data on 254 small businesses with final 624 sample observations from several branches of public-listed XYZ bank in southern region of Taiwan from 2005 to 2009, this thesis empirically investigates the impacts of bank relationship (years and numbers) and main bank lending on credit line and mark-up rate for small and median business entities (SME). Empirical results indicate that SMEs with larger bank relationship numbers and loger years would obtain higher credit line but bank relationship year have negative impact on mark-up rate. In addition, SMEs with main bank lending would have higher credit line and enjoy relatively less mark-up rate by bank. Specifically, financial crisis during period of 2008 to 2009 not only increased mark-up rate but also decreased credit line for SMEs. Besides, larger numbers of banking relationship would help SMEs with main bank to have more credit line but to gain relatively higher mark-up rate than those with smaller numbers of banking relationship.Furthermore, larger numbers of banking relationship would lead SMEs without main bank to increase their credit line and to have relatively lower mark-up rate.