隨著電子商務技術的發展,線上購物已經越來越成熟,並由早期的企業對消費者(B2C)發展到消費者對消費者(C2C)。由於電子零售店與傳統零售店存在著交易行為與物流分開的特性,造成電子商務必須依賴強大的物流支援系統才得以順利運作其商業行為。台灣與其他國家最大不同的地方在於利用便利商店的物流系統發展出相當成熟的「線上購物、店配取貨」物流機制。近年來更結合多媒體事務機(MMK)與自身的物流機制,發展出店到店(store-to-store)寄件的服務。隨著兩岸經貿合作的日趨緊密,以便利商店物流為基礎的店配服務將會在未來台灣與中國之間的電子商務配送系統扮演重要的角色。 供應鏈管理雖被廣泛的研究討論並且應用在實務上,隨著外在環境的不斷變化,風險管理的議題逐漸受到供應鏈研究學者的重視。近年來,有越來越多領域的研究開始關心系統的脆弱度以及回復力的課題,對於供應鏈相關領域而言,將脆弱度及回復力引進物流系統將有助於我們更瞭解物流系統的完整樣貌。本計畫將藉由貝氏網路、失誤樹、模糊認知圖與敏感度模式等分析技術,探討店到店寄件物流服務系統的脆弱度與回復力等相關課題。 藉由本計畫之研究調查工作,除了可建立評估研究個案之店到店寄件物流系統有關脆弱度與回復力等課題外,研究結果可進一步提供物流業者建構其供應鏈規劃模型與策略之參考。 The internet represents a growing and huge market and the development of e-commerce is an efficient business model which enables new relationship between consumers and suppliers. Nowadays, the way to trade online is not only though business to customer (B2C), but also though customer to customer (C2C). In order to send goods or products to customer fast and safely, strong support from efficient logistics system is necessary. In the logistics system of electronic commerce, the major difference between Taiwan and other countries is the retailing delivery (RD) system. Up to date, the convenience stores have integrated the delivery service with combine with their logistics system and multimedia Kiosk (MMK) to develop a new retail delivery model, “store-to-store delivery”, and have made remarkable success. On the other hand, the e-commerce between Taiwan and China will more closer and inseparable. Due to the advantage of the retailing delivery and store-to-store delivery, the delivery mechanism will play an important role in the delivery system between Taiwan and China. The supply chain management has been widely studied in the academic as well as practical fields. The logistics process is complicated and has a lot of risks. However, there are fewer studies about the performance of magazine dealer. Vulnerability is the new concept of risk analysis. If managers understand the most vulnerable parts in all business, they could take actions and know how to allocate resources to avoid risks happening. The objective of this study is to develop an evaluation model and discuss the vulnerability of store-to-store delivery system via Bayesian Networks (BNs), Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), Sensitivity Model (SM) and the Fuzzy Cognitive Map (FCM). From the survey, we can establish an evaluation model to analyze and describe the vulnerability and resilience of the store-to-store delivery using different kind of research methods. The results obtained in this study can be used to help the manager formulate strategies and reduce the risks proactively as well.