本計畫希望探索宋代理學士大夫集團如何藉由經典詮釋展開其思想系統,以釐清 在中國文化的價值系統中,經典是否一直只是歷代思想家緣飾門面的工具?宋代 儒者是否是先有自己的哲學,再以經文傅會之?經典與儒家思想之間具有怎樣的 關係?本計畫希望聚焦於朱熹與張栻在解釋《論語》的互動上面,本文認為解答 上述問題的最佳策略,不是鑽研單一思想家的論語學,而是解釋宋代理學士大夫 集團在詮釋《論語》過程中的互動,在其相與往返的討論中,如何存同去異,並 且解答在同異之商榷折衷中哪些因素在起作用?是各自的哲學立場?或是經典 詮釋的異同? This project hopes to explore how the Song Dynasty scholar group launched its philosophical system by the classical interpretation. To clarify whether classic is the veneer of the tool for ancient thinkers . This project studies the Song Dynasty scholar group in the interpretation of "The Analects" in the process of interaction. And will lock the focus on the interaction of Zhu Xi and Zhang Shi. To answer in the discussion what are the factors at play?