非營利組織運用不同的勸募策略來吸引捐贈者與影響他們的動機或行為, 而當勸募環境日趨競爭、多元化、複雜化與科技導向,如何維持與建構勸募的核 心競爭能力,將會是非營利組織領導者與勸募人員所必須面對的重要課題。本研 究將探討競爭多樣性與定位的概念如何應用於非營利組織的勸募策略分析。策略 管理研究的學者,已經採用競爭多樣性的概念來探討廠商的競爭行動與反應的深 度與廣度。藉由實證分析,本研究將探討非營利組織勸募策略競爭多樣性的決定 因素與績效結果。本研究計畫的成果,將可以提供一些具體的管理與政策建議, 來提升非營利組織勸募計畫的規劃與執行成效。 Nonprofit organizations adopt various types of fundraising tactics to attract donors and cause influence on giving motivation or behavior. The fundraising environment increasingly becomes more competitive, diverse, sophisticated, and technologyoriented. Therefore, it is important for nonprofit leaders and development professionals to learn how to build and sustain competitive advantage of their fundraising tactics. This study explores the concept of competitive variety and positioning as well as applies it in analyzing fundraising tactics in nonprofit organizations. Strategic management researchers have adopted the concept of competitive variety to examine the range and the degree of concentration of firms’ competitive actions and responses. This study empirically examines determinants and performance consequences of competitive variety of fundraising tactics in nonprofit organizations. Research findings will provide important management and policy implications that can enhance the planning and implementation of solicitation campaigns in nonprofit organizations.