本計畫擬對天台懺法進行整體的研究,採取文獻學、義理學與宗教學的進路,藉 由多元視角的觀照,期望獲致全面與深層的理解。天台懺法與止觀法門密切結合,作 為趣入高深禪觀經驗的初修行法,有其特殊的實踐價值,且對中國佛教懺儀產生過重 要影響。然而,當前的佛教懺儀法會側重消災超度等世俗利益,失落了佛教實踐的根 本精神。對於天台懺法的全盤研究,不僅有利於對傳統懺法與天台教學之精深涵義的 理解,也助於思考天台懺法現代轉化的可能性。日文和中文佛教學界已於天台懺儀的 研究累積了一些成果,以文獻考察者居多,但許多問題點尚未觸及,義理詮釋方面亦 有待拓深,離整體和深入的理解可說尚有一段距離。舉凡個別懺法的詳密研究、各部 懺法之間的縱向和橫向連繫、天台懺法內涵的發展演變、懺悔思想的深度詮釋、懺法 宗教意義的掘發等,還有相當多的學術工作有待完成。本研究將探討智顗以訖宋代天 台諸師所撰的全部懺儀,先求對個別懺儀進行詳密研究,再將這些懺儀的個別研究統 合起來,以求全盤了解天台懺法的精神與思想,探索其發展與演變,以及蘊含於懺法 中的宗教實踐意義。最後,將提取出天台懺儀的核心要素,對懺法的現代轉化提出建 議。 The aim of this project is to make a comprehensive study on the repentance rituals of the Tien-tai School, from the perspectives of philological, philosophical and religious study. The Tien-tai’s repentance rituals have a special meaning in Buddhist practice , because they are closely connected with meditation. Through a thorough research on the Tien-tai’s repentance rituals will make it possible to understand the repentance thought of this school in depth, and consider the possibility of its transformation in modern time. Scholars in Japan, Taiwan and China have made some studies on the Tien-tai’s repentance rituals, however, there are still many problems leaved to be solved. For example, the detailed examination in each text, the relationship between different texts, the changes and trasformations of the Tien-tai’s repentance rituals, the explanation of repentance text in depth, the exploration of religious meaning, and so on. In this project, each repentance ritual of the Tien-tai School will be studied, and then combined to gain an thorough understanding. Having do the research previously mentioned, a suggestion regards to the modern transformation of the Tien-tai‘s repentance ritual will be offered.