本計畫為二年期研究計畫,以中國佛教三論宗思想家僧肇的《注維摩詰經》以及吉藏的《淨名玄論》與《維摩經義疏》為主要研究對象,探討僧肇與吉藏二人的《維摩經》詮釋所展現的哲學思想。也透過梵本《維摩經》等的對比研究,了解僧肇與吉藏的思想之於印度空宗思想的異同關係。計畫擬採文獻研究法、哲學分析法和比較哲學法等三種研究方法。 研究進度上,第一年研讀《注維摩詰經》與《淨名玄論》,第二年研讀《維摩經義疏》。僧肇與吉藏對於《維摩經》「一切法空」、「不二法門」等思想的理解以及相關語言思想,是本計畫哲學考察的重點。計畫第二年將以此二人對《維摩經》「不二法門」的詮釋為主,撰寫英文學術論文一篇。 申請人希望透過本計畫,顯明僧肇與吉藏的《維摩經》詮釋的現代思想意涵,為此國際學界乏人問津的領域做出學術貢獻。此外,計畫的執行可充實申請人對三論宗思想的知識,有利未來撰寫此思想的英文專書暨提升個人教學研究能力。 Sengzhao (374-414 CE) and Jizang (549-623 CE) are the two main philosophical exponents of the Sanlun tradition of Chinese Buddhism. This project proposes to investigate into their philosophical thoughts as revealed in their commentary works on Kumarajīva’s Chinese translation of the Vimalakīrtinirdeśa Sūtra. It also seeks to attend to the recently discovered and edited Sanskrit text of the sutra to see how the latter was received, with its thought probably transformed, in the tradition. The three works that form the main focus of the project are Sengzhao’s A Commentary on the Vimalakīrtinirdeśa Sūtra (注維摩詰經) and Jizang’s A Treatise on the Profound Teaching of Vimalakīrti (淨名玄論) and A Commentary on the Meaning of the Vimalakīrtinirdeśa Sūtra (維摩經義疏). In the first year of the project, we shall study the first two works; in the second year, the third work will be studied. In the process, special attention would be paid to the notions of “emptiness” and of “dharma-gate of nonduality” as well as the related linguistic thought. We expect to write an English paper in the second year to display the result of the research, probably dwelling on the notion of “dharma-gate of nonduality.” Apart from philological research, the main methods adopted in the project are philosophical analysis, and comparative research. We shall make efforts to rationally reconstruct Sengzhao’s and Jizang’s Sanlun thoughts. Not many have been done in the international circle of Buddhist studies on the philosophic ideas of the Sanlun tradition, much less on the reception of the sutra in the tradition. It is hoped that the present project will make contributions in this direction.