「都市」/「城市」(city)提供了現代生活風格(modern life style),卻也產生了許多光怪 陸離的社會現象。波特萊爾赤裸裸地向我們揭露發生在城市社會底下各個階層的黑暗面,對 於齊美爾來說城市居民更容易對壓力刺激產生負面情緒,或是呈現某種「病徵」。波特萊爾、 班雅明及齊美爾皆批判現代城市是一個創傷性(traumatic)、令人震驚(shocking)或過度刺 激(overstimulation)的地方,而這些符號充斥、令人目不暇給的地方,都會的居民卻身陷於 漂浮不定的、負面的、消極的、冷漠的、空洞的、疏離的、焦慮的感受與情緒中。這些病徵在 精神分析者佛洛依德(Sigmund Freud,1856-1939)的眼裡是一種歇斯底里的主體性(hysterical subjectivity)。 語言與主體性一直是精神分析學者從佛洛伊德(Sigmund Freud)、拉康(Jacques Lacan) 到克莉絲蒂娃(Julia Kristeva)等關懷的議題,其中的討論也被延伸應用在對於藝術品的分析 與詮釋。建築空間組構形態、形式和意象可視為一種語言,控制著觀看者或體驗者感官經驗。 本計畫以台南都市空間為主,企圖藉由精神分析的論述對於城市空間中「無能為力」的主體 有更深一層的了解。從「精神分析位置」進行建築形式與城市空間的解讀,企圖獲得一種精 神分析式的建築閱讀方式,探討城市空間與心理徵狀兩者之間的交互關係。 This project attempts to construct an interdisciplinary investigation of the relation cross-over between psychoanalytic theory and the symbols in architecture. What could psychoanalysis have to say about architecture? In psychoanalysis this project involves a close reading of the texts of Freud, Jacques Lacan and Julia Kristeva concerning perception, representation and subjectivity. In architecture it sketches a broad picture of postmodern architecture today, which to a certain extent is dominated by the logic of late-capitalism, electronic media and digital technologies. The objective of this research is to provide a subjective account of architectural representation with visuality and textuality, in the way that structuralism can be regarded as a subjective account of language, and psychoanalytic theory as subjective account of a person. It is important to qualify the description of “subjectivity” as “symptoms.” This project uses psychoanalysis as a theoretical tool for interpreting architecture, and focuses on how psychoanalysis’s use of architecture might offer new approaches for understanding the connection between subjectivity (symptoms), objects, forms and spaces. In other words, it investigates the relationship between architectural form and the construction of contemporary forms of subjectivity.