本計畫的名稱是【當善男子遇上沙豬:台北福智廣論班中年男眾的生命經驗】, 是個人結合「性別研究」與「宗教社會學研究」的初步嘗試。 其目的是透過台北福智廣論班中年男眾的生命經驗,試圖掌握當「善男子」遇上 「沙豬」,也就是當「佛法」與「世間法」有所接觸衝突時,在男性氣概的操演這件事 情上,男眾學員會如何面對、處理與放下,或只能假裝視若無睹、從眾如流,還是有 其它的方法加以對治,無論是在福智團體的內部或外部。 我先回顧本計畫的先行研究,從「男性氣概及其相關論述」、「福智廣論班及其相 關研究」這兩點切入,之後,再提出本計畫執行的具體步驟。 The title for my proposal is “ When kula-putra meets male chauvinist:middle-aged men' s life experience in Blisswisdom's Lamrim Chenmo studying class in Taipei.” This project is my preliminary study in combining gender study and religious sociology. Through the study of the middle-aged men' s life experience in Blisswisdom's Lamrim Chenmo studying class in Taipei, the aim of my study is to grasp these kula-putra' s reaction to their masculinity when they face to face with male chauvinist, namely, when dharma conflict with loka-dharma. In another word, how do these middle-aged men react to the call from their masculinity. Will these kula-putra confront their masculinity directly, manage it and then put it down, or will they ignore it and go around it whether inside or outside the Blisswisdom group. I will review pre-studies on “masculinity discourse” and “Blisswisdom Lamrim Chenmo studying class discourse“ first, and then introduce procedures for carrying out the project.