能源資源,特別是石油和天然氣作為一種在世界各國分佈極不均衡的不可再生資 源,在世界各國能源需求量急劇膨脹的情況下,已成為影響現代國際關係的一個重要 因素。能源問題已不再是單純的經濟問題,而是涉及到國家經濟安全,具有戰略色彩 濃厚的商品。面對中亞裏海地區豐富的油氣儲量,美國,歐盟等國家加大了與中亞裏 海地區周邊國家的油氣合作,以達到獲取經濟利益與分化獨立國協的目的。在這種情 況下,俄羅斯積極施展「能源武器」戰略,在前蘇聯國家地區尋求經濟利益與政治利 益、國家安全和地緣政治安全的平衡點。能源戰略的實施,一方面提升了俄羅斯的經 濟實力,另一方面弱化了獨立國協國家的反俄傾向。 Russia’s role as a large energy supplier has once again hogged the limelight of the global community against the background of growing concerns about energy security and the rising trend in energy prices. The research argues that the Russian foreign policy strategy for the Post-Soviet Space is based on their need for natural gas and oil supplies and dependence on state-owned energy companies in Russia. The author contends that Russian President Vladimir Putin wanted to reintegrate the region into a new Soviet economic empire by positioning Russia as a monopoly supplier or monopoly buyer in the energy sector, using two energy weapons i.e. the tap weapon and the transit weapon.