本年度目標為針對我國漁獲統計資料,檢視總漁獲量、努力量與其分佈、漁獲量與其分佈、漁獲體長等方面進行資料,以期瞭解近年來的海盜活動對於我國漁業活動的確實影響,並於後續單位努力漁獲量之標準化工作時,考量海盜活動對於CPUE解析之影響,期標準化CPUE可以作為資源量變化趨勢之參考依據。此計畫之研究成果可提供2011年IOTC國際漁業組織進行印度洋大目鮪與黃鰭鮪進行資源評估分析工作之參考依據,對於我漁業國責任制漁業形象有正面助益。 In order to investigate the effect of piracy on the Taiwanese longline activity in Indian Ocean, the goal of this study is to analyze the total catch, effort and its distruibtion, catch distribution and length distribution of Indian bigeye and yellowfin tuna by Taiwanese longline fishery. Besides, this study will take the effet of piracy into consideration in the standardization of Indian bigeye and yellowfin CPUE based on the information of commercial catch and effort data. The result of this study will be expected to apply the relevant information to facilitate IOTC to fulfill the management of Indian yellowfin tuna.