本研究計畫目標為針對在大西洋和/或印度洋海域作業之台灣鮪延釣漁船,評估忌避措施對降低海鳥混獲之成效與其對目標魚種漁獲率之影響,同時探討施行忌避措施對船員作業安全及其他漁獲相關行為之影響。 台灣是鮪延繩釣漁業大國,為保障我國鮪釣漁業的永續發展與善盡國際保育責任,投注研究資源確保海鳥忌避措施可有效落實降低意外捕獲海鳥的可能性,對於我漁業國責任制漁業形象有正面助益。 The goal of this study is to assess the performance of seabird streamer liners, deployed with weighted branchlines, and night setting on a Taiwanese longline vessel in the Atlantic Ocean and/or Indian Ocean. Meanwhile, the influence on the safy of crew and the performance of fishing operation, as well as the catch rate of target species will be addressed. The result of this study will be expected to apply the relevant information to facilitate ICCT to fulfill the seabird conservational management. Therefore, the research contribution will promote the image of our country and to ensure the benefits of our tuna lonlgine fishery.