雞隻為台灣重要的畜產物之一,但長期以來從業人力普遍缺乏,因此養雞業者除了擴大養雞 規模以尋求規模經濟的效益之外,且極力尋求科技的協助以提升經營效率並降低人力成本的負擔。 對雞隻的飼養管理而言,生長階段的即時重量量測是一項重要的管理工具,其可用來評估飼料換肉 率與瞭解雞隻的生長速率,然而如何在不驚嚇雞隻的情況之下達到雞隻活體重量量測為實務上的重 要議題。因此,本計畫結合無線感測網路、類神經網路、以及壓力式重量量測技術而建置一套雞隻 活體重量量測自動化監控管理系統,並透過養雞場的實地實驗來實證本計畫所發展之重量量測系統 的效用。 The chicken is one of important animal industries in Taiwan. However, there are shortages of human resource in the chicken farms for a long time. The chicken farmers sought for the economies of scale by enlarging their chicken farms. Meanwhile, they also used the technology to improve the managing efficiency and reduce the costs of human resource. For the feeding and management of chickens, the weight measurement of life chicken in their growth stage is important. The chicken farmers can use it to evaluate the feed conversion rate and understand the growth rate of chickens. However, it is an important issue for the chicken farmers to measure the weight of life chicken without frightening them. Thus, this project integrates the technologies of Wireless Sensor Networks, Neural Network, and the Compression Weight Measurement to develop an “automatic monitoring and management system in weight measurement of life chicken” and verifies its efficiency by field studies.