瀕死經驗是一個有關生命的重要議題,在國外早已受到學術界的關注,然國內的研究論文數量不多。有鑑於此,本研究試圖透過本土瀕死經驗者的主觀感受,反應瀕死經驗者在其經歷瀕死後的後續效應。本研究目的有六項,分別為:探討瀕死經驗對生活態度之影響、對日常行為之影響、經驗前後生死觀之改變、經驗前後宗教觀之改變、對超感知能力之影響及對其經驗後調適過程。本研究採用質性研究方法,並選定六位國內本土個案為研究對象,以深度訪談方法,來探討瀕死經驗者其經驗前後之後續效應。結果發現六位參與者其瀕死經驗後續效應共有十八項屬於正向效應。研究分析中也發現五項其他反應,然這五項反應並非來自瀕死經驗之內容,而是屬於經驗之後的生活調適或外界的壓力。 Near-death experience (NDE) is a significant issue relevant to life which has been widely studied in academic field of the Western world, but it is rare in Taiwan. Therefore, the purpose of this qualitative research is to discuss the After Effect of people who had NDE. This research could be divided into six dimensions: the influences of the viewpoint of life, the effects of daily behaviors, the changing attitudes toward life and death, the changes of the viewpoint of religion, the influences of the extra-sensory perception (ESP) and the processes of adaptation. In this research, the qualitative research method with in-depth interview was used to investigate the relating topics of the “After Effect” of NDE and six local cases were chosen as research subjects. Eighteen positive “After Effects” were found from six participants. The research shows the results not only positive effects but also other effects. Five other After Effects were recognized which are irrelevant to NDE but to their adoption of their daily life and stress from outside world.