律詩最為鮮明之表現在於聲律與對偶的講究。而律詩的成熟與發達也基於唐人詩學對詩歌作品聲律、對偶、句法與結構等要求。而大量《詩格》一類詩學『規範』著作的產生則是唐代詩歌創作普及的重要助力之一。本文根據敦煌寫本S.3011V及P.3353V二件《詩格》殘卷,進行梳理、考述,藉以探究唐代《詩格》文獻與內容特徵,並結合敦煌、吐魯番及日本漢文學文獻等資料,觀察唐代學童學習詩之歷程,以及對偶理論在唐人詩歌實踐的實況。可見唐代律詩的成熟與普及,除了詩體發展的自然趨勢、帝王的提倡、科舉的影響等等原因外,《詩格》一類詩學著作對詩歌寫作之形式要求與技巧示範的流通,可說是另外的個重要因素。 The regulated-verse poems focus on the sound regulations and the parallelism. The maturity and development of the regulated-verse poems benefited from the sound regulations, the parallelism, and the grammar, as well as the structure of the poetics in the Tang dynasty. Many works on the poem standards appeared in the Tang period have encouraged the popularity of poems at that time.This paper examines two fragments (S.3011v and P.3353v) of the Poem Standards (Shige) from Dunhuang in order to explore the textual and content features of thePoem Standards in the Tang. In addition, it also compares them with other materials from Dunhuang, Turfan, and Japan, and observes the experience of Tang children in learning how to compose poems and also to see how the Tang poets practiced the parallelism in their poems. This paper argues that in the Tang the maturity and popularity of the regulated-serve poems not only benefited from the natural trend of the poem genre, the promotion of the rules, and the influence of the civil examinations, but also were influenced by the style requirements and circulation of the Poem Standards.