《楚辭.遠遊》不僅是優秀的文學創作,其內容還統合以往歷史長流中諸多文化業績,包括遠古帝王、神話、氣功、陰陽五行、醫學,及老莊恬淡無為的思想,冶為一爐,具有深刻的文化意義及研究價值。在王船山獨特的詮釋視角下,〈遠遊〉證以後代內丹學說,多有符合;學者雖對此多持質疑態度,本論文仍嘗試從思想層面,客觀平情地對船山詮解,作較為全面深入地解讀。首先,船山從創作心理對〈遠遊〉篇旨加以論定,係以登仙作為寓言之用;其寫作目的為屈原在楚懷王時期,遭放逐後,意圖調護生命,以備待時而起所作。〈遠遊〉文辭、篇章架構及內涵舖排,配合登仙主題,思理一貫,條理井然;作為後代遊仙詩之源頭,已足以證明其文學價值。其次,從微觀闡釋,〈遠遊〉中氣之思想,具有各種風貌及修煉方式,相當豐富而精到。配合船山之詮釋及老莊思想,予以細膩深入探討,亦有助於釐定其思想價值。其三,從巨觀闡釋,統合船山通釋〈遠遊〉之思想特色及文學表現,一是情理相生及文質相輔之文學筆法,深掘屈原心曲及其人生抉擇;又從〈遠遊〉與〈離騷〉之比較中,說明其精神情意上的對應,及其善用情感語言表述生命境況。二是經由神仙思想方面,內丹學及陰陽五行說之印證,從思想史層面看出其價值及特色。 The great Confucian Wang Fu-Ji's bitter and hard life history was very similar with that of the great poet Qu-Yuan. So Wang's literature review on Qu-Yuan's Poetry “Chu-Ci” had lots of creative thoughts and he dug deeply into Qu-Yuan's literature theory and aesthetics. In this essay, the author explored Wang’s work ‘Chapter Yuan-You’ in “General interpretation of Chu-Ci”. First, the author illustrated the purpose of the Chapter ‘Yuan-You’. It talked about the preparation of taking care of his life, so that he could have the opportunity to get political influences some other time. It was the origin of the celestial poems afterwards and that proved the literature value of this chapter. Second, ‘Chapter Yuan-You’ showed the ideas of Chi, and the meaningful images in it could be interpreted by the thoughts of Lao-Tzu and Zhuan-Tzu. Third, the author compared the positive and negative viewpoints in Qu-Yuan's poetry.