現代女性投入以男性為多數之職業軍人的工作已是常態,尤其有很多人是屬於職業婦女,在家庭與工作職場的雙重壓力,經常讓她們感覺喘不過氣,故本研究探討高中職女性軍訓教官對其工作壓力之關係,進而瞭解及關心女性軍訓教官在職場上面對壓力的情緒變化。本研究採問卷調查方式進行分析研究,調查量表係根據國內外學者相關量表結合軍訓教官現況而發展出來之量表,包含「逆境商數量表」及「工作壓力量表」等進行研究。以統計套裝軟體SPSS 12.0中文版執行,採用描述統計分析量表之樣本描述與敘述性統計分析、信度分析、單因子變異數分析、相關分析及階層迴歸分析等研究方法。研究結果發現分述如下(1)女性軍訓教官之逆境商數對工作壓力具有顯著負向影響。(2)女性軍訓教官之逆境商數屬中高程度。(3)人口變項對逆境商數與工作壓力未具干擾效果。 Nowadays, women have entered the workplace which is men as the majority of professional soldiers is normal, especially lots of them are career women. The dual pressures coming from home and workplace usually make them out of breath. This study to explore the subjects’ (high school female military instructors) job stress, and concern the subjects’ confronting emotional changes of workplace pressure. Regarding the questionnaire method in this study, the questionnaire is developed by domestic and overseas scholars and military instructors in existing state, including “adversity quotient inventory” and “job stress inventory”. With software packages of standard statistical (SPSS) 12.0 tradional Chinese edition, using descriptive statistics analysis Scale Sample Description and descriptive statistics analysis, reliability analysis, one-way ANOVA analysis and related analysis and other methods. The results provided the following findings: (1) Female military instructors’ adversity quotient had a significant and negative impact on their job stress; (2) Adversity Quotient of female military training instructors is in a mid-high degree. (3) The demographic variables with adverse quotient to the job stress has no disturbance effect.