有關音色和唱腔的研究,除了音樂本身的分析之外,也有不少關於民族性和文化性問題的探討。本論文試圖些藉著這些相關的的現象和研究,除了反思不同學者對此一議題的觀點與詮釋之外,也將進一步從跨文化(cross-cultural)的角度,根據田野調查(field work)所建立起來的資料,依據符號學(Semiology)的理論,將音色和聲腔置於原來的文化脈絡(culture context)當中,從文化內部的觀點,以及實際被賦予及操作的過程與內容,來檢視它可能具有的功能與意義。不同的研究顯示了不同的知識理念和學術旨趣,藉著對此一歷史性、傳統性素材和現象的論述,或可對新的知識發展提出可供參考的建議。 In addition to the analysis of the music structure itself, research on the colors and intonations in music has also been connected to the aspects of ethnics and culture. This paper puts this topic into culture context and investigates its possible function and meaning from cultural and cross-cultural viewpoints based on the information acquired from field work according to semiological theories, and also reflects upon the viewpoints of other researchers. Since different approaches are reflected by their different knowledge bases and research interests, the investigation of this topic from different viewpoints may afford new directions for future development.