企業贊助運動已成為世界必然的行銷趨勢,而企業與運動賽事間的關係則需要長期的經營與培養,其中消費者對於運動贊助所把持的態度更是吾人所重視的。尤其是消費者對贊助活動的喜愛程度、對贊助賽事的態度、對贊助企業的態度與其贊助活動之間的合適性,會更進一步影響到贊助效益及對贊助者所擁有的品牌是否產生正面的影響。本研究即以台灣速克達賽車運動為研究主體,瞭解消費者對於企業贊助所持的態度觀感。 本研究採取問卷調查,問卷總共發出300份問卷,總計回收有效問卷共276份,有效回收率為92.0﹪。研究結果如下:一、消費者對速克達賽車的置入性行銷態度對品牌權益具正向顯著影響。二、消費者對速克達賽車的置入性行銷態度對置入信任因素不具顯著影響。三、消費者對速克達賽車的運動贊助態度對品牌權益具正向顯著影響。四、消費者對速克達賽車的運動贊助態度對置入信任因素不具顯著影響。五、消費者的品牌權益對速克達賽車的運動贊助效益不具顯著影響。六、消費者的置入信任因素對速克達賽車的運動贊助效益具正向顯著影響。 The corporate sponsorship of sports marketing has become an inevitable trend, and the corporate and sporting events will require long-term relationship between business and culture, which dominated sports sponsorship, consumer attitude is seriously. Particular favorite of consumers sponsorship level, the attitude of sponsoring events, the attitude of the sponsors and suitability between sponsorship will further affect the sponsorship benefits and the sponsor's brand is owned by a positive Impact. In this study, scooter racing in Taiwan as the research subject, to understand consumer perception of the attitude of corporate sponsorship. This study is using questionnaire surveys, a total of 300 questionnaires were issued, a total of 276 valid questionnaires, the effective return rate of 92.0%. The results are as follows:1. Consumers scooter racing placement with a positive attitude on the significant impact of brand equity.2. Consumers scooter racing placement attitude of the placement does not have significant impact on the trust factor.3. Consumers scooter racing sponsorship with a positive attitude on the significant impact of brand equity.4. Consumers scooter racing sponsorship attitude factors into the trust does not have significant impact.5. The consumer brand equity on the car's sport scooter does not have significant impact on sponsorship benefits.6. Consumer confidence factors into scooter racing sponsorship with a positive significant impact on efficiency.