以動漫畫、遊戲文化中的女僕主題之餐飲業為研究目標。由於研究目標為次文化,所以不同程度的消費者在體驗上會產生區別,而經營者在布局策略時,提供一個可使不同程度消費者閱讀意義的載體。本研究欲分析與探討文化創意產業(Culture and Creative Industries)中的顧客經驗管理(Customer Experience Management)在本案例中如何在策略面上規劃價值(Value)形塑。 為分析不同知曉程度的閱讀者,於消費過程中體驗文化後,所產生的不同價值,並將其分為三部分:其一是最理解目標文化的族群、其二是不了解目標文化的族群、最後就是介於其一與其二中的族群;再預設三者訊息的流動會產生如資訊階流(Information Cascade)的方式由知曉程度高流到低,進而影響到第二與第三在研究目標中得到樂趣的程度。再以顧客經驗管理「分析顧客經驗」、「建立經驗平台」、「設計經驗品牌」、「建構顧客介面」與「持續進行創新」五個步驟安排出文化創意產業加值模式的階段,試圖釐清研究目標布局的策略,並以訪談策略提供者、策略執行者與體驗者後,檢驗筆者假設之問題。 The research subject is targeted on maid café from Japanese otaku culture. This study of customer experience management is attempting to figure how the value adds in culture and creative industries while the strategy planners face multi-level consumers. They are separated into 3 parts, "the well-known", "known" and "not-known". They could read different meanings from the targeted culture in each level are assumed. And the planned information cascading between them is assumed as a part in "Building the Experiential Platform" from the 5 steps to outstanding customer experience management, the other 4 are: "Analyzing the Experiential World of the Customer", "Designing the Brand Experience", " Structuring the Customer Interface", "Engaging in Continuous Experiential Innovation." Thus, how they are going to be pleased and what they are going to be pleased for are the key of strategy arrangement. Generally speaking, the strategy that these 3 levels of customers could be complied with individually is going to be analyzed. The researcher interviewed the strategy planner and operators from the most famous maid café in Taiwan, "Fatimaid" and the one who well experiences it.