摘要: | 本論文以大甲的無極三清總道院為例,探討宗敎發展與文化產業之間的關係。傳統的宗教信仰,在科學發逹的現代社會中,如何獲致信衆的認同,凝聚信衆的共識,建廟的經過,或可解讀為意義型塑與建構的歷程。本論文試圖從文化產業的角度來進行下列四個面向的探討:一、從該道院的歷史脈絡與文化景觀中,分析經營模式的現況與人、文、地、景、產等面向的特色。二、探討其宗敎信仰中的美感內含與風格表現。三、瞭解宗敎觀光發展中文化產業的操作機制。四、探討宗教產業展現的美學內容與意涵。 在論文的架構上,依撰寫內容與撰述方向可分為四個部份:首先是動機、目的、方法及範疇等方面的說明。其次,藉由文献來探討宗教信仰所萌生之各種文化產業現象。接著,為實地的參與觀察,以主要人物及行政人員做深度訪談,來理解其歷史脈絡與道院建構的過程,並探討人為因素及其地緣性關係。最後再以靈驗事跡及院道場域的美學現象,來對其場域空間所呈現的文化意涵,進一步從經營理念與文化產業的角度來進行探討與分析。 The aim of this study is to explore the relationship between the religious developments and the cultural industries in Taiwan using Taiwan Taoist temple as the subject. One may query how this traditional religion was able to acquire the identification and to aggregate the consensus from the public in the highly technique-developed society nowadays. The course of temple-constructing may provide clues since it can be deemed as the progresses of forming and establishing the connotation of the religious belief.This thesis is an attempt to explore this theme from the viewpoint of cultural industry focusing on the following four aspects:一、 Analyzing the present management patterns and the features regarding people, culture, location, landscape, and productivity from the history and outlook of the temple.二、 Exploring the aesthetic implications and presentations embedded in the religion.三、 Understanding the operating system of the cultural industries in relation to the developments of religious tourism. 四、 Discussing the aesthetic contents and implications presented by the religious industries. In light of the content and topics discussed in this thesis, the framework of the thesis consists of four parts. The first part is in association with the motivation, the purpose, the methods applied, and the scope of the research followed by literature review, in the second part, to explore the variant appearances produced by the cultural industries which were derived from the religious belief. In the third part, the interviews with the prime leaders and administrative personnel of the temple, as the field study, are presented in order to specify the historical context and the construction course of the temple, and also to probe the relation between human factors and geographical features. Finally, in the last part, the cultural implications of the religion represented by the courtyard of the temple are analyzed and discussed, from the views of management and culture, using some examples of past miracles and the aesthetic landscape of the temple. |