本研究場域為國立台灣工藝研究發展中心(以下簡稱工藝所),是國內唯一以工藝創作為主題的博物館。研究者深入探討發現式學習理論,再根據博物館教育的特色,建構出適合國小學童的引導式發現學習課程。其次,藉由探究學童於工藝所內的學習歷程,了解學童於工藝所內技能與情意面向的學習歷程與學習成效。 本研究採用文獻分析法、參與觀察法、訪談法以及問卷調查法蒐集資料,並綜合本研究結果提出以下結論:一、 學童於工藝所內的發現式學習歷程多元而豐富,並符合引導式發現學習理論的性質,是在引導之下能溫故知新、快樂並持續的學習,並有偶發經驗的學習。二、 工藝所內發現式學習歷程引發遊戲中的、多元媒材的、五感新體驗的以及想像力飛馳的,與一般教室不同的學習契機。 三、 體驗工藝所DIY課程讓學童有良好的長期記憶、學習遷移以及問題解決的能力,並能從中獲得自我肯定。四、 學童的學習態度和學習成效與學童的年齡及天生氣質有關,而學童作品表現符合Eisner以及Lowenfeld的兒童繪畫發展理論。五、 工藝所DIY課程適合國小藝術與人文課程的延伸。 基於上述研究發現,研究者針對工藝所、教師教學實務以及未來研究提出建議。 This research takes the National Taiwan Craft Research and Development Institute ( also known as Craft Research Institute for short) as a base, which is the only museum focused on the creation of craft. The research develops a guided discovery-learning curriculum which is suitable for elementary school students. Moreover, it discovers the learning process and effects on the aspects of skill and affection of students inside the museum. The conclusions of this research include:1. Students can encounter diverse and abundant learning process in the museum. This process corresponds with guided discovery-learning theory, a happy and continuing learning process.2. The discovery-learning process inside the museum provides students different learning experiences, such as games, multi-media, five sensory and imagination, from those in traditional classrooms. 3. The DIY craft courses provided by the museum help enhance students’ long-term memory and learning transformation, as well as problem solving ability and self esteem.4. The students’ learning attitude and effects are related to their age and personal characteristic. Their performances are accordance with development theories of Eisner and Lowenfeld. 5. The DIY courses of the museum are suitable for elementary schools as an extension of Arts and Humanities curriculum. Based on the findings above, the research provides suggestions towards the Craft Research Institute, teaching practice of elementary teachers and future research.