書法是中國特有的文字藝術創作,以文字為主要創作媒介的書法是文學、藝術、哲學等中國文化思想的總體呈現。在中國文字中,書法的實用性或藝術性都與生活文化息息相關。書法藝術為一種很容易入手的藝術類型,這樣的發展狀況除了有其普遍的社會性意涵之外,其文化過程也有模糊與神祕的特性。中國書法大約有三千年的歷史,書法的發展到了現代,實用性逐漸被現代科技產品所取代,於是以純粹藝術形式的取向發展,使書法存在著普遍的認知與藝術學上的風格發展模式。所謂的「傳統與現代」,是書法近年來發展趨勢的泛稱,書法若要適應現代社會,便要發展其時代的精神;但書法是既成的文化載體,非經一個時空的認同不可存在與成立,而在這些複雜規則與變化的取捨之中即能看出書法生生不息的生命力。本研究探討書法美學在現代社會中的普遍性意涵,透過論述、訪談與問卷綜合呈現,希冀了解書法的文化脈絡與未來趨向。 Chinese calligraphy is a very unique art form of the Chinese characters, being an integrated expression of Chinese literature, art, philosophy, and culture. The applications and artistic features of Chinese calligraphy are deeply connected to everyday living. Chinese calligraphy is an easily accessible art form, rendering its wide-spread in the society and mysterious characteristics in the culture. Although Chinese calligraphy has a history of about three thousand years, its applicability has gradually been replaced by the more easily accessible products of modern technology. Consequently, Chinese calligraphy has evolved into pure art and has its unique aesthetic characteristics. “Of modernism and tradition” has become the selling point of Chinese calligraphy as it has to develop its contemporary characteristics in order to adapt itself in modern society. Chinese calligraphy is an existing cultural medium and thus its existence is tied with its being general recognized in various time and space, wherein its survival over the thousands of years demonstrates its vividness and versatility. This thesis describes the research about the role and status of the aesthetics of Chinese calligraphy in modern society by means of analyses, interviews, and survey in order to gain further insights into the correlation of Chinese calligraphy with culture and its future development.