本研究主要在探討心智圖教學法對國小五年級學生閱讀理解能力之影響。本研究採用準實驗設計中的「不等組前後測設計」,分成有實施「心智繪圖筆記訓練方案」的實驗組33人,與實施「一般閱讀教學」的控制組56人。兩組均接受「國小學童中文閱讀理解測驗」前、後測。研究者冺用早自習及彈性課程的時間,對實驗組進行為期兩個月共30節課的「心智繪圖筆記訓練方案」課程,歷時20小時。 研究分析結果學生在接受過心智圖法之後,對「國小學童中文閱讀理解測驗」前、後測的成績,有顯著差異(進步),「國小學童中文閱讀理解測驗」五項次能力—字義理解、文本理解、推論理解、摘要、布題能力分析中,實驗組皆能在五項次能力前、後測成績達到顯著差異。證明心智圖法可以有效增進學生的閱讀理解能力。根據上述的研究結果,本研究提出針對未來心智圖法課程的舉辦以及後續相關領域研究之建議。 This study explored the effect of Mind Mapping Teaching Program(MMTP) on the reading comprehension abilities of the fifth graders. All participants were divided into two groups in this study. The experimental group was comprised 33 students were taken with the MMTP, and the 56 students within control group were taken only the "General Reading Instructions." The “Nonequivalent Pretest-Posttest Designs” of “Quasi-experimental Design” was used to compare the results between the two groups. Both groups accepted the "Elementary School Reading Comprehension Test" prior to the programs and then again after the programs taken. The researcher used the time of Morning Study Hall and Alternative Learning Periods to teach the experimental group with 30 lessons of the "Note Taking Training Program of Mind Mapping" for two months, totaling 20 hours. The results of the experiment show that the students’ grades of "Elementary School Reading Comprehension Test" had significant differences (improved) between the test taken before and the test taken after receiving the MMTP. The students in the experimental group had improved their reading comprehension more significantly than those in control group on every sub-ability levels of the five reading sub-ability, including Literal Comprehension, Text Comprehension, Inferential Comprehension, Summarization, and Self-questioning. The findings demonstrated that MMTP in elementary school can effectively improve students' reading comprehension. Based on the findings, the approaches were proposed to launch mind mapping courses in the future, and subsequent related researches in the field were suggested as well.