本研究在探討使用桌上遊戲圖樣介面學習對國小三年級兒童數學學習成效與數學興趣影響之情形,本研究以嘉義市嘉北國小99年度三年級兒童為對象,主要的實驗設計採用準實驗研究法,將研究兒童分為兩組,一組為實驗組和一組為對照組,將兩組兒童的數學成績與數學興趣於前、後測資料分別以成對樣本t檢定、獨立樣本t檢定與單因子共變數分析進行研究;並對於兩組兒童後測與教學間進行半結構式的訪談,以了解兒童在數學學習階段成效與興趣,獲得如下結果:一. 國小兒童在經由桌上遊戲圖樣介面學習,對於數學運算的成效有顯著的提升。二. 實驗組兒童的數學成效比對照組兒童有顯著的提升。三. 桌上遊戲圖樣介面學習能提高兒童對於數學興趣的表現。四. 性別在兒童數學學習成效與興趣上無顯著差異。 The purpose of this study is to explore the effect of Using Table Game icon interface to help Children learning Math achievements and interesting. The private elementary school in Chiayi County, the annual third grade children in 99 targeted. The main experimental design quasi-experimental design research method measured before and after. A group as the experimental group and other group of the control group, The two groups of children interested in mathematics achievement and mathematics before and after the test data were analyzed by paired sample t test, independent sample t test and single factor analysis of covariance analysis; And post-test for two groups and teaching children between the semi-structured interviews to understand the effectiveness of learning stages of children in mathematics and interest, the following results:1.Elementary school children learn through the Table Game icon interface, the correctness of mathematical operations for a significant improvement.2.Children in the experimental group than the control group children, the effectiveness of mathematics have a significant increase.3.Table Game icon interface can improve the learning performance of children interested in mathematics.4.There was no significant difference in the sex and interest in children on math performance.