全球暖化造成氣候極端變化現象日益明顯,其中以2009年莫拉克風災重創台灣中南部,導致人民重大傷亡及財產損失最為慘重,一旦災害規模與受災範圍逐漸擴大,政府的援救力量侷限於天候、地勢、災況等種種因素,無法立即抵達災區搶救;在災前應由社區居民共同進行預防、訓練工作,建立「社區防災系統」,透過計畫、學習、演練等實際操作等方法;在災害發生時,社區立即運用現有資源及救災與避難逃生設備以發揮自救能力,勢必可以減少傷亡與損失,歷經多年政府、專家學者與社區共同努力推動防災社區頗具成效。 面對重大災害發生時,能否有效發揮防災社區之功能為首務之要,本研究以梅山鄉太和防災社區的實證研究,探討在莫拉克風災過程中,社區居民實際參與演訓情形與成效,提出建議,以作為爾後社區防災與減災之參考。 Global warming has led to increasing climate change. One of the examples is Typhoon Morakot severely damaging northern and southern Taiwan in 2009, which led to the most severe casualties and financial loss. However, as long as the scale of disaster or damage expands, owing to the restriction on the factors such as climate, geography, and disaster status, the governmental rescue force cannot immediately arrive at disaster area to save people. Therefore, local residents should jointly take pre-disaster preventive measures and receive training to establish “disaster resistant community system” thorough practical operation, such as planning, learning, and practice. When a disaster takes place, if communities can immediately use available resources and rescue and survival equipment to save themselves, the casualties and loss will definitely be decreased. After years of efforts, the disaster resistant communities jointly promoted by the government, experts, scholars, and communities have achieved significant effect. When a major disaster takes place, it is important to effectively achieve the disaster prevention objective of disaster resistant communityies. An empirical study was conducted on Taihe disaster resistant community in Meishan Township to investigate how community residents participated in practice and training during typhoon Morakot. proposed suggestions as reference for future community disaster resistant and disaster reduction.