本文以從「常知」到「真知」的觀點,來理解朱子的實踐工夫論,並對牟宗三先生的朱子學詮釋作出評論,希望對朱子的思想給出順當的衡定。並依此理路說明朱子哲學在道德教育上,是有效的作法。又從如何克服「自然的辯證」的問題,對現代提倡兒童及青少年讀經的運動給出提醒。 In this article, I attempt to interpret Zhu Zi’s theory of moral practice in the aspect of the transition from the common rational knowledge of morality to the philosophical. And I also make comment on Mr. Mou Zongsan’s interpretation of Zhu Zi’s moral philosophy. I expect to give an appropriate comprehension of Zhu Zi’s moral philosophy. Through the aspect I addressed above, I will justify that it is effective and reasonable to apply to the moral education. I will also, by the way of how we solve the natural dialect, give my advice to the activity of children and young reciting in Chinese Classics.