羅亞娜教授對於先秦認知思想的處理方式,是從名、實、知、行範疇為特定觀點來考察,由儒、墨、名、道家的名實認知思想進行比較,進而取得先秦整體的認知思想輪廓,指出此與西方知識論的差異與特色。本文一方面指出這種探討方式的價值、意義與不足之處,另一方面延伸羅亞娜觀點,更詳細地說明先秦時期認知思想的內涵,進一步指出各家認知思想的差異與關係;從認知對象、認知主體、認知結構與認知背景,指出墨家是以經驗世界實用導向為背境、儒家是以倫理、政治為背境。名家的公孫龍在認知上以認知作用的後設反省為基調,在表達上則要求一名一實、名實相符;惠施是比較相異事物以求同的一體論。老、莊則是以形上實體之道為本。本文嘗試從認識論的觀點進一步了解先秦的相關思想。 Based on the examination on nature of names and actualities, knowledge and action, Prof. Jana S. Rošker’swork provides a comprehensive Contours of Pre-Qin theory of cognition, which manifests the respective concentration of different schools including Confucianism, Mohism, Schools of Names and Taoism. Furthermore, Rošker points out the difference between Western epistemology and Pre-Qin thought. This article reviews Rošker’s work and extends her point of view in order to explicate the more detailed description of cognitive connotations in the Pre-Qin period. Furthermore, the correlations and discrepancies between respective schools of thought will be clarified. From the cognitive object, cognitive subject, cognitive structure and cognitive background, pointing out that Mohism concerns with the physical environment, whereas Confucianism concerns with the ethical and political environment. The main subjects of Gongsun Long’s thought are the meta-reflexive aspect of human cognition and the consistency between names and actualities regarding human expression, whereas Hui Shi pays more attention to comparison of different things for the same and holism. For Laozi and Zhuangzi, merging with the metaphysical Dao is all that matters. This paper attempts to further understand of the epistemological thought in pre-Qin period.