台灣近年來有少子化的趨勢,其中出生週數小於37週或體重小於2500公克的早產兒,比率與其他各國相近(10%)。由於醫療水準的進步、全民健保的實施,提高早產兒就醫可近性及存活率。然而,早產兒許多器官或免疫系統尚未發展完全,會產生許多急慢性健康問題,故早產兒之居家照顧就顯得格外重要。本研究特別結合Facebook,建置「早產兒健康紀錄系統」,記錄孩子的健康狀況,提供專業醫療人員追蹤、回診、諮詢及獲得更廣泛的社會支持。經系統評估發現:「認知有用」及「認知易用」會影響「使用意圖」,「親職壓力」的嚴重度,會影響早產兒主要照顧者,對於資訊系統的認知有用性。若早產兒照顧者有高度之「親職壓力」,則會對本系統產生認知有用性,提昇使用意圖。 The birth rate has been declining in recent years in Taiwan. Some of them are premature, who born less than 37 weeks and with body weight less than 2500 grounds. And the ratio of premature is similar to other countries (10%). In recent years, as the progress of health care techniques, and the implementation of National Health Insurance in Taiwan has promoted the accessibility of preterm child medical treatment. However, due to the fact that preterm children are born too early, their organs have not developed completely. They suffer from acute and chronic problems after surviving. Thus, homecare for preterm child is particularly important. In order to provide well care for preterm children, this study created an Infant Health Status Recording System (ISHRS) to help the preemie family take care of their babies. Parents or caregivers can use our system to record the child’s growth data. And the IHSRS allows medical professionals to track babies’ status, consulting and get broader social support. We found from system evaluation: “perceived usefulness” and “perceived ease of use” affect “intention of use”, and severity of “parental stress” affect preterm child primary caregivers’ perceived usefulness toward information system. If the preterm child primary caregivers have high parental stress, they will produce perceived usefulness toward ISHRS and enhance the usage intention.