本研究以98學年度台中市62所小學中,符合育嬰假申請資格的428位教師為問卷調查對象,經回收388份有效問卷,藉此探討其申請或未申請的考量因素,以及對育嬰假制度的認知與期待。調查結果發現:符合育嬰假申請資格的教師僅30位申請育嬰假,其中以育有4個子女、家庭平均收入12萬元以上及6萬元以下者的申請比率最高。又符合育嬰假申請資格的教師中,其未申請的原因以經濟考量為主。大部分的教師同意現行育嬰假制度「能積極鼓勵父母親自照顧子女」、「能讓父母在工作與家庭間取得平衡」,且認為「育嬰假期間也需要育嬰及親職諮詢服務」、「政府應成立專責單位提供專業協助」,而有高達半數以上的教師不同意「政府已提供足夠的親職照顧與教養育等社會福利服務」,且不認為「現行育嬰假制度能有效提高台灣婦女的生育率」。進一歩探討「育嬰假申請的子女年齡限制」、「育嬰留職停薪津貼」及「育嬰假期間不被計入工作年資」等條文,有頗高的人次比率認為需要修改,而對「以本人或配偶一方申請為限」及「申請年限」,認為不需修改的人次比率雖多於需修改者,但仍有部分比率者建議修改。 The purpose of this study was to investigate the cognition and expectation of parental leave of elementary school teachers in Taichung City. In this study, 428 teachers who had children under 3 years old from 62 elementary schools in Taichung City were surveyed. The data were gathered from questionnaires which were analyzed with frequency distribution, Chi-square, and t-test. The results showed that a small percentage of teachers took parental leave, and most of the teachers who took parental leave were female. Besides, most of them had at least 4 children or their family incomes were either above NT$120,000 or below NT$60,000. The major reason for taking parental leave was economic factor. Most of the teachers agreed that paid parental leave was highly desirable. However, most teachers thought that the current system could neither effectively support the incomes of the people on parental leave, nor could it encourage parents to have more babies. Suggestions have also been made with the hope to improve the existing system.