摘要: | 水墨藝術不應單單只被看做是一種繪畫方式,而應該視作一種概念與精神,無論屬於那一種創作模式,都是植基於傳統的中國繪畫。當代水墨畫的研究,主要在於凸顯自我文化和歷史複雜攪揉下的文化價值,並依此確認我們腳下所站立的當代位置。水墨藝術中的「當代性」可概括為當代生活、當代意識、當代媒介、當代藝術形式、當代觀念等,試圖擺脫當代藝術的內在矛盾。從當代人文精神的角度看,當代水墨可貴的是具有一種實驗性態度,藝術觀念及語言圖式的變革求新也是其重要特徵,更從主體精神、社會生活、藝術思維、材料研究、圖像演繹、藝術創作等角度來顯現其獨有特質。傳統水墨畫所追求的是意象性的烏托邦空間,而當代水墨畫崇尚的則是視覺性之思考空間,這是因為時代性所衍生出來的一種「空間革命」,不僅可以創新技法,可以與時代共感共知,更可建構一套專屬的審美價值及面向。 Ink paintings should not simply be seen as a way of painting, but should be seen as a concept and spirit, no matter what kind of creative modes are based on the traditional Chinese paintings. The research of contemporary ink paintings, mainly highlight the culture value under a complex mixture with people’s culture and history, and based on the value to confirm our standing to the contemporary arts.The "contemporary" of ink paintings can be summarized as a contemporary life, contemporary ideology, contemporary media, contemporary art style, and contemporary concepts, which trying to get rid of inner contradictions in the contemporary arts. Through the perspective of contemporary spirit of the humanities, best value of contemporary ink paintings is its experimental attitude, the concept of art and the change of icon language as an important feature, and the spirit of subject, social life, artistic thinking, material’s research, image interpretation, and artistic creation to show its unique qualities. Traditional ink paintings pursuit an image space of Utopia, and the contemporary ink paintings focusing on the space of visual thinking, which developing a "space revolution", not only in the skill innovation, in the perception of living with era, more in the construction of aesthetic value. |