在現今科技與資訊發達的地球村時代中,呈現出多元的社會型態與講究生活品質的文化內涵。同時,在經濟發展的轉變下,掀起了文創產業的流行風潮,為社會文化注入了一股新創意潮流,也啟發了生活中的美感動能。然而,修辭技巧在文創的運用上,不僅具有文字演化美感的效能,也能渲染美的意境,更可讓欣賞者在藝術脈絡的意會上有跡可循。鑑此,本研究之目的在於探討文創領域—《美妝》與《時尚》之平面媒體的修辭美感運用。本研究方法採質性研究法中的概念分析法,研究結果發現《美妝》所應用的修辭法共有十四種,而《時尚》所應用的修辭法共有十三種。本研究之預期效益,期能提供美妝與時尚之文創領域工作者,在文字表達上,透過修辭技巧的應用來綻放出美妙又引人注目的創意詞句,並傳遞動人心弦的藝術美感能量。 In the age of the global village with advanced technology and widely distributed information, diversified styles of societies and cultural contents which focus on quality of life have been created. In the meantime, the development of economics has lead to the prevailing of the cultural and creative industry, brining a fresh trend of creativity into the cultures of life, as well as inspiring the aesthetics and art in daily lives. One of the effects of rhetoric is the aesthetics from evolutions of words. It helps to enhance aesthetics so that appreciators can have something to follow when trying to comprehend contexts of art. Thus, this study aimed to explore the rhetoric applications in the print media, "Beauty" magazine and " Fashion" magazine. The research method adopted was the conceptual analysis method, a qualitative research method. The study found that there were 14 and 13 types of rhetoric methods applied in " Beauty " and " Fashion ", respectively. This study expected to be able to provide the cosmetics and fashion related businesses in the cultural and creative industry some references regarding how to present beautiful and wonderful creativity through applications of rhetoric techniques and deliver the touching and thrilling power of aesthetics.