隨著非營利部門的崛起,創造了女性大量的工作機會,關於女性大量進入非營利組織工作的現象,文獻上的解釋是女性的特質與非營利組織所提供的職涯條件:如利他主義或彈性工時相符合;然而低薪、繁重的工作量及高度流動率也往往是非營利組織工作的現況,使得女性在非營利組織中的工作現況值得進一步深入探究。本文主要欲探討台灣非營利組織女性工作者在職場生涯中的壓力與支持因素,以在社會福利型非營利組織中的八位已婚女性主管為例,運用質化研究中的深度訪談方法,並進行歸納分析。研究結果顯示,受訪者認為壓力來自於多重身分;女性除了作為妻子、媽媽、媳婦以及工作者,在職進修的學生身分使女性在角色衝突上更為嚴重。受訪者認為支持因素中,非營利組織雖不以優厚薪資著稱,但是透過良好且完善的福利則能鼓勵女性員工長期留任。雖然家庭對於女性而言是很大的責任,但是藉由家人的支持,三代同堂對於職場女性也可能是助力。此外,在職進修以及對組織的認同理念,以協助女性達到生涯的自我實現,亦是其職涯能延續之重要因素。 With the rise of nonprofit organizations, a large number of job opportunities are created for women. Limited research concerns female workers’ working condition while nonprofit organizations are commonly viewed as low salary, heavy workload, and high turnover rates. This study is to understand the experiences of female managers in nonprofit organizations, especially the stressful and supportive factors. Qualitative research methods were applied in a nonprofit organization with 8 female workers who were managers and were also mothers at the same time. The results show workload and overtime-work were major stressful factors in their career, and care giving responsibilities in family was the other. Besides, they experienced severe roles conflicts in their on-the-job training. As to supportive factors, in addition to working benefit of the organizations, the female workers report that spouse, parents, or in-law parents were of important assistance. Meanwhile, their belief and identification on organizational mission and services were also valuable in helping their career. Implications for future practice and research are discussed.