桃園國際機場身為台灣第一大國際機場,在面對台灣產業轉型以及全球化的的競爭下,需配合台灣佔有優勢的獨特地理位置下轉型建成為一融合多樣化機能,以及全世界貨運、客運轉運的航空城。 建設航空城的構想本於1993年發展成為亞太營運中心計畫中曾經予以規劃,然而歷經台灣民主化、政黨輪替等的一連串國內政經情勢的變化下屢次延遲,直到2008年的馬英九總統當選後,在其政見中說明要建設桃園航空城,也因此讓航空城建設在停頓了10餘年後終於又開始運作了起來;而航空城法案的立法過程中,其法案的審查卻不如預期中的順利,期間多次引發立委的質疑、輿論的反對、民間團體的抗爭,這些都表示著除了立法後所帶來的巨大利益引發不滿外,也顯示一開始審查的法案設計不夠以全國角度去思考。透過中央政府的修改、妥協,最後終於完成航空城兩相關法案。 本文前半部透過歷史事件觀察解釋航空城從1993年至今的政治經濟情勢去分析桃園航空城發展的設置過程,後半則以立法過程中所遭遇的衝突反對,以透過各種妥協和折衷的方法,取得支持最後順利通過法案,最後以其總結給予桃園航空城未來建設的建議。 In order to encounter the competition of globalization and the transformation of Taiwanese industries, Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport, as the greatest international airport in Taiwan, is necessary to be altered into an aerotropolis comprising various functions and the passengers and freight transportation of the world by catering to Taiwan’s superior and distinctive location. The idea of establishing the aerotropolis had been drawn up in the plan of Asia-Pacific Regional Operations Center in 1993; however, it was postponed several times due to the series of economic and political transformation, such as the democratization in Taiwan and the shift among different political parties. This plan of establishing the aerotropolis was re-started till that Ma Ying-jeou was announced as the president of Taiwan in 2008 after more than ten years suspension, which Ma's political views was included the construction of Taoyuan aerotropolis. Nevertheless, the investigation of aerotropolis bill was not as smoothly as expected in the legislating process. This bill aroused the inquiry from legislators, the opposition by the public opinion and the protest from civil society; this showed not only the dissatisfied as the big interest after the legislation but also the incomplete consideration for citizens at the first design of bill. These two bills related Taoyuan aerotropolis eventually accomplished through the modifying and compromising by the government. The previous part of this essay will analyze the development of Taoyuan aerotropolis through interpreting the historical events surrounded by political and economic situations from 1993 to now. The following will depict the process of how to gain supports to approve the bill by the several modified ways in order to solve encountered conflicts among legislating. Eventually, this article will concluded by the suggestion for the further improvement of Taoyuan aerotropolis.