摘要: | 李維喬(1902~1960),字如松,福建省泉州市人,於1947年(民國36年)隨國軍先期部隊來台。在台期間以豐厚的文學涵養從事漢詩創作,舉凡生活所見、所思、所聞之一切事物,信手拈來即可立詩題以歌詠之,不論是創作題材或體裁皆相當廣泛多元。為人謙沖自牧、澹泊名利、品格高潔,生活儉樸自然,乃高士之流,頗受詩壇吟友以及後輩晚生的推崇與景仰。其文筆之不凡與學養之豐富獨領騷壇、卓越超群,為一傑出的詩才。可惜因流寓他鄉,懷才不遇,生活困頓偃蹇,終日鬱鬱寡歡,最終客死異鄉。 本論文的章節安排與範圍包括:第一章緒論;第二章論述李維喬所處的時代背景與家世生平,以及其交遊網絡之概述,以探究其性格的養成、詩學之淵源與創作的動機。第三章將李維喬的漢詩創作依題材內容做分類,逐一予以深入詮析與研究,以歸結出李維喬漢詩之特色。第四章歸納其漢詩創作之藝術特色。第五章結論用以總結本論文研究析論的成果。 《李維喬及其漢詩研究》旨在重構台灣古典文學的歷史軌跡及其文化圖像,使優秀的詩人及其詩作重新出土,不至於被湮沒在歷史的長河裡。更期望能藉由李維喬作家研究這一個「點」,串連成區域文學的一條「線」,進而成就台灣文學的一個「面」,為後續繼起的研究者提供研究的基礎。 Lee Wei-qioa, also named Ru-song, was born in Quanzhou, Fujian Province, and he came along with the prior national army to Taiwan in 1947 (36th year of the Republic Era). While in Taiwan, with prolific knowledge and training in literature, he started to make his living on writing Chinese poetry. He could write a poem with ease to praise on whatever he saw, thought and found in his everyday life. Both the subjects and genre of his writing were very diverse. As a humble and suave person, he was indifferent to fame or gain, having a virtuous character, and led a frugal and natural life. Reputed as one of the finest artists, he was notably admired praised by poets of contemporary and later generations. He was a stupendous literature talent with abundant and peerless knowledge in the poetry circle at his time. Though being a great poetry talent, his was forced to leave his hometown for good, and never much appreciated, always in straitened circumstances and a pensive mood; eventually, he died on the land to which he didn't belong. This thesis is divided into five chapters. Chapter I is an introduction. Chapter II deals with Lee's historical background and his family background biography, as well as his personal network which is expected to help us explore his personality elements, the poetic origin and inspiration. In Chapter III, I categorize his Chinese poetry in accordance with the subjects, making detailed and in-depth analysis and research respectively, in order to capture the individuality of Lee's Chinese poetry. Chapter IV is my conclusion of the artistic features of his Han poetry writing. Chapter V refers to the results of this research paper. This thesis "The Study of Lee Wei-qiao and His Chinese Poetry" is intended to restore the historical treasures and cultural image of Taiwan’s classical literature, so that exceptional poets and their works can revive and will not be inundated in the monstrous river of times. Moreover, I wish this "point" of the study of Lee, which can further develops into a "line" of regional literature and even becomes a "scope" in Taiwanese literature, as the corner stone for follow-up researchers. |