本研究旨在了解雲林縣國小家長數位素材購買現況,並探討購買決策因素及其滿意度之關聯性,並彙整前述各項分析結果所得資料,歸納成結論,藉以提供建議予學童家長及數位素材廠商之參考。 本研究採用問卷調查法,採「國小家長數位素材購買行為問卷」作為資料蒐集的工具,以雲林縣國小學童家長為母群體,依學校規模進行分層抽樣,共發出750份問卷,收回有效問卷631份,回收有效問卷率為84.13%。根據雲林縣國小學童家長問卷調查結果以樣本敘述分析、卡方檢定、單因子變異數分析、積差相關等統計方法、實施檢定分析。主要研究結果如下:1 .65%的雲林縣國小家長有購買數位素材的經驗,購買動機以「增加課外知識」 者最多,「直銷業務人員的推薦」是主要資訊來源,主要也是向直銷業務人員 購買,購買金額則以「視教材價值而定」最多。2 .不同人口統計變項的家長在數位素材購買決策上的差異:(1)年齡20~29歲的家長較重視評估準則的行銷活動及產品服務層面。(2)不同子女數在資訊來源上達顯著差異。(3)教育程度不同在購買動機、資訊來源、評估準則的行銷活動層面、購買地點 及金額上達顯著差異。(4)不同收入在評估準則的品牌導向及品質導向、購買地點及金額上達顯著差異。3 .高價值觀取向的家長在評估準則各構面重視度都是最高的。4 .不同的購買決策和滿意度之間有部份相關,評估準則構面和滿意度構面兩兩間 具有正相關。 The purpose of this study aims at understanding the purchase behavior of the elementary school’s parents in elementary parents in Yunlin County and to explore the relation between decision-making and satisfaction of purchase. The result of this study is for the reference of student’s parents and the manufacturers of digital textbooks. The study adopted questionnaire survey and treated parents of elementary students in Yunlin County as the subjects with the questionnaire “The purchase behavior of the parents of the elementary students” for data collection. The stratified sample was conducted based on the size of the schools .There were total 750 questionnaires released and 631 were received. The return rate was 84.13%. Based on the result of the questionnaire survey, it is analyzed by the methods of Descriptive analysis, One-way ANOVE, and Chi-square test, Chi-square and correction.The main findings in this study are as follows:1. Sixty-five percent of the parents used to buy digital textbooks with the motivation of broadening children’s extra-curricular knowledge. The main purchase information comes from the salespersons and the spending depends on the value of digital textbooks.2. The individual variables on decision-making of purchasing are as follows:(1)The parents aged 20-29 value more on sales activities and after-sale service.(2) The parents with different number of children reached obvious differences.(3) The parents with different educational levels reached obvious differences on purchase motivation, information source, sales activities, purchase location and the amount of money.(4) The parents with different levels of income reached obvious differences on brand- oriented and quality-oriented.3. The parents with high-value orientation value the highest for all the evaluation aspects.4. The relation between different decision-making and satisfaction is part correlation; the aspects of both evaluation and satisfaction rate are positive correlation.