文化創意產業為政府揭櫫的台灣六大新興產業之一,更是近年來台灣各級政府大力推動的產業政策;其特色是運用創意將文化與產業連接,而地區型的文化產業以其特殊性、多樣性與在地性被視為振興地方經濟活動的主力。桃米社區自921地震後,透過社區總體營造、輔導團隊與新故鄉文教基金會等協助積極轉型,發展出具地域人文、產業與環境的特色,成為社區發展文化產業的標竿。本研究以地域鑲嵌發展策略為主軸,藉由地方資源與網絡的整合,探究傳統農業社區的轉型,進行以桃米社區文化產業的個案研究對象,透過文獻回顧、深度訪談與參與觀察等方式蒐集相關資料,藉由Porter鑽石理論檢視桃米社區文化產業的發展與群聚效應的發揮,產業經過社造人才的培育、不同社群間的互動與有效運用當地資源,發展出與環境聯結的生態文化,進而達到地域鑲嵌的效果。社區型產業因地理環境特色、組織、教育訓練與因地制宜的發展營運策略擬定,產業網絡綿密的互動,促進桃米地方文化產業的地域鑲嵌化發展。 The cultural creative industry is one of the six newly rising industries that are promoted by both central and local governments in Taiwan. The characteristic of the industry is connecting and integrating industrial development and culture through creativeness. The local cultural industry is considered as the main force to boost local economic activities by its distinct characteristics, cultural richness, and local colors. Taomi village has become the benchmark of reconstruction for both local cultures and natural environments after the devastating 921 earthquake with the help of the community empowerment development policy, counseling team and local New Homeland Foundation. This research explored a case study of Taomi village through in-depth interviews and participant observations to investigate how a traditional agricultural village transforming to a cultural ecotourism destination by integrating its local networks and resources. After verifying the Taomi village development and cluster effect through Porter’s diamond theory, the analysis shows that the cluster effect not only enhancing the development of local cultural industries but also creating strong local embeddedness between community and its surrounding natural environments.