數位出版是目前產業重要的發展趨勢,無論是官、產、學界對於數位出版的開發及推動都,相當的積極,其涵蓋多元化的範圍包括平台的經營、內容的研發、介面的改善、流程的整合等都受到高度的關注。本研究目的即在於運用企業資源基礎與關鍵成功因素探討數位出版產業競爭優勢的來源,選擇目前具全球領導地位的企業Amazon.com作為標竿對象,進行個案分析並以內容分析法就近年來Amazon.com相關的文獻及參考資料進行構面分析,並透過AHP架構,以進行其競爭優勢的重要性順序,其能透過本研究的發現做為台灣發展數位出版產業的參考依據。 Digital publishing is becoming a focus on the trend among other newly rising industries and promoted by government, industry, and academia in Taiwan. Due to the diversification of the industry, different aspects such as operating platform, content development, interface improvement, and process integration are highly concerned. The purpose of this study is to investigate the source of competitive advantages and important factors based on resource-based view and key success factor theories for the digital publishing industry by benchmarking the global leading company – Amazon.com to explore a case study. Then, by using the content analysis technique examined recent researches and published information about Amazon.com to construct the dimensions and items of key success factors following by AHP for their ranking. Results of the study provide strategic thinking for developing digital publishing industry in Taiwan.