本研究主要探討前世今生人際關係之關連性,研究目的有三:(一)探討前世今生形式關係的關連性。(二)探討前世今生互動關係的關連性。(三)探討前世回溯對生命的影響。為達上述研究目的,本研究採取質性研究深度訪談法,徵求八位研究參與者進行前世回溯,並針對前世回溯內容進行訪談,探討其前世今生人際關係之關連性,研究結果發現:一、 人的生命會從前世延續到今生。二、 人際關係中的形式關係與互動關係會從前世延續到今生。三、 有些家人關係會從前世延續到今生。四、 前世的創傷經驗會影響到今生。五、 今生似曾相識的感覺來自於前世。六、 前世的生命特質會延續到今生。七、 前世回溯的重要影響有:增加自信心、瞭解因果與釋懷、學會珍惜緣份。 根據上述的研究結果,研究者提出具體建議作為社會大眾、催眠治療師、及未來研究者參考。 This study is to research the relation of interpersonal relationships during reincarnation.There are three research purposes.(1)To study the form of interpersonal relationships during reincarnation.(2) To study the interaction of interpersonal relationships during reincarnation.(3)To realize the effect by the way of past life regression.In order to achieve the goals above mentioned,the researcher hypnotized eight participants and used the method of the interview to research the relation of interpersonal relationships during reincarnation. The following findings are the conclusions of this study:1. Life may continue during reincarnation.2. The form of interpersonal relationships and the interaction of interpersonal relationships may continue from past lives to this life.3. Family relationships may continue from past lives to the present life.4. The trauma experience that come from past lives may affect this life.5. The feeling that seems to have met before may come from the past life memories.6. The characters of past life may continue to the present reality.7. The effects of past life regression includes: increasing the self-confidence, understanding the causes and effects, learning to treasure the fate. According to the above findings, the researcher proposes the concrete suggestions to the future researcher.