國民政府1949年自大陸遷台,為了鞏固政權,實施錯誤的語言政策,獨鍾所謂的「國語」,造成很嚴重的語言斷層。根據聯合國教科文組織研究報告,台灣地區有24種語言瀕臨消失。1987年解嚴後,本土意識抬頭,在多方的母語運動努力之下,母語教育的實施慢慢的落實。 作者乃教育部認證之鄉土母語支援人員,在小學任閩南語教職,欲藉此研究發覺學生對閩南語的學習滿意度是否與學習動機及班級學習情境有顯著關聯性,並期藉由本研究的結果透過班級氣氛的營造使孩子更喜歡閩南語,提升其學習效果,甚至透過母語進一步了解本土文化。 本研究以雲林縣小學五、六年級學生為研究對象,搜集參考文獻資料後設計問卷,請各校閩南語支援教師及各班導師幫忙分發與回收,再使用SPSS應用軟體加以統計分析,得到相關數據發現學習動機和班級氣氛及學習滿意度相關;而除了年級以外,不同性別、籍貫、家庭結構、家長職業之學生,其學習動機、班級氣氛及學習滿意度並沒有特別顯著差異。故期許授課老師多用心營造班級氣氛,增進學生之學習動機與學習滿意度,並使之有成就感而樂於學習。 Since the Nationalist Government settled in Taiwan in 1949, in order to consolidate their ruling, ordered students to study Mandarin Chinese and regarded it as the unique official language. The language education policy, mistakenly, led to serious language gap. According to a UNESCO report, there are as many as 24 languages in Taiwan that are disappearing. Then in 1987, the government abandoned the martial law and it fostered localism. One of the consequences is the rise of mother tongue. Instruction in dialects has been prosperous. The researcher has earned a certificate to teach Min Nan dialect which is the credential from the Ministry of Education. The objective of this study is partly to figure out whether there's significant correctionship between satisfaction in learning and classroom climate/context. Besides, the researcher hopes to construct the positive contextual atmosphere which benefits kids' motivation to study Min Nan Dialect and , eventually, learn more effectively. Through the acquisition of mother tongue, children could appreciate their traditional culture. The subjects of this study are Grade 5 and 6 students. After literature review and questionnaire design, the responding copies of questionnaire are collected and calculated using SPSS program for statistic analysis. The findings are:(1)Motivation and classroom climate and satisfaction are significantly correlated;(2)Grades aside, gender, birth place, family and parental career all are not significantly related to satisfaction on learning. Teachers' classroom management can be very essential to enhance kids' motivation and satisfaction. It's the sense of achievement that matters.