台灣地區整體醫療市場競爭日趨激烈,醫療機構更須隨著產業環境的改變而不斷提升。全民健保實施後,各私立醫院及診所的大量設立,增加了民眾就醫的方便性及降低醫療負擔。然而醫療技術與設備的進步,使得對於醫療機構的服務品質要求也愈來愈高,醫院也像他產業一般,必須面對著與日俱增的競爭壓力,如何採取適當的營運策略,提供給更佳的醫療服務品質及獲得更高的滿意度,是醫院達成永續經營的重要目標。 本研究的目的在探討醫療服務品質與顧客滿意度,以台中地區某一醫院為研究對象,採隨機抽樣選取320位的門診病患進行問卷訪問調查,有效問卷共回收288份,問卷設計依據Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry於1985年所提出的服務品質構面之基礎,建構出一個新的醫療服務品質量表。這份問卷從醫院的醫療環境、等候時間、服務態度、醫療過程、整體服務等五個部分,分別探討醫療品質的重視度與服務滿意度。 研究結果發現民眾對於候診時間普遍認為有改進的空間,特別是對於遠道而來的民眾。此部分建議院方除可以在掛號時同步提供預計診療時間,以利民眾安排時間,亦可在醫院提供相關休閒設施,讓民眾在候診時間使用。而在醫療環境的安靜舒適上,醫院應該注重公共空間與私人空間的區隔,並保障病患就診的隱私權與隱密性。 Medical service quality in Taiwan has been advanced given its heightening market competition. Since public health insurance was introduced, the number of private hospitals and clinics has increased and the cost of medical service has been reduced. However, given the rapid improvement of medical technology, public demand for better medical quality is raised at the same time. It is important for medical service managers to adopt a strategy to meet higher customer satisfaction. The goal of this paper is to investigate medical service quality and customer satisfaction based on the case of a hospital in Taichung City. Within 320 randomly-surveyed patients, there are 288 valid questionnaires. The blueprint of the questionnaire is based on the 1985 service quality examination of Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry, including five sections: medical service environment, waiting time, service attitude, treatment process and over all service. The study concludes that waiting time is the least satisfying. To meet customer demand, it is suggested that hospital could inform estimated waiting time and provide rest facility. In regard with medical service environment, it is suggested that hospital divides public and private space to increase patient’s privacy.