政府資源有限,民間活力無窮,善用民間資源將部分政府業務委由民間辦理不僅是政府重要政策與施政方針,亦為當今各國所重視,我國在1994年通過的「社會福利政策綱領」其基本原則中便明列:「福利服務應本民眾為先,針對現況與需求,著重城鄉均衡發展;並結合學術與民間組織,共同發展合作模式的服務輸送體系」。而近年來政府各部門均以「結合民間資源」、「委託民間非營利組織分擔政府業務責任」等公私協力方式為既定政策方向,而社會福利業務單位亦以個案委託、方案委託、公設民營等方式,委託民間組織辦理福利服務。 社會福利業務委外辦理並非嶄新的議題,而在推動的過程中,政府部門與社福團體分別遭受官僚文化與被政府餵養成超大社福托拉斯,以及擔心社工專業在政府與機構兩邊夾擊下成為被犧牲對象的批判與質疑,可見社會福利業務委外辦理在實際推動過程中,仍存在許多問題。本研究藉由相關資料的歸納彙整及分別對嘉義縣政府社會處及民間社團人員進行深度訪談,結果發現,地方政府與非營利組織間在資源互補、資訊交流、規範與監督及其他等方面的互動上有公私協力或夥伴關係之存在,並朝正面發展的方向前進。 In order to make good use of the civil resources, public service privatization is the major policy for our government and also the trends in various countries. We adopted “The Social Welfare Policy Guiding Principle” in 1994 to balance urban--rural area development and put the “the welfare service should be the populace’ for the first priority. Recently, the various departments of the government use the policy of “public-private collaboration” as “combine the civil resources”, “entrust Non-profit organization shared the government service responsibility” and so on to enforce the government policy. However, the social welfare units use only “case entrust”, “plan entrust” and” public assets run by civil company” method to run their operations. Government in social welfare outsourcing is not a new issue. It had been contested and criticized in the impetus process as the government department and the welfare society suffered separately the bureaucratic culture. The “Super Welfare Society Trust” that worried by the government as well as the social worker, becomes the sacrifice under the government and the social welfare organization. This study collects and induces the correlation data of government outsourcing welfare resources in Chiayi County. The results show that both sides do have public-private collaboration or partnership existence. In the aspects of resources supplementary, information exchange, regulations inspections and other aspect of interactive situations are also moving on the positive track for the local government and the non-profit organizations (NPO).