本研究以台南縣為例,探討社區特徵及社區發展協會資源基礎如何影響福利社區化之推動。研究對象為位於台南縣的400個社區發展協會,將問卷透過郵寄方式交給社區理事長填寫,並從92份的有效問卷及回覆資料中進行統計分析。主要的研究發現包括:(1)社區類型與社區辦理福利服務項目多寡有顯著相關;(2)福利服務同時與社區關懷中心設置及福利服務項目多寡二者有顯著相關;(3)政府補助款、有無設置社區活動中心與社區關懷中心設置有顯著相關。 By using Tainan County as an example, this study examines the effects of community characteristics and community development associations’ resource base on promoting community-based welfare. The study sample includes 400 community development associations located in Tainan County and 92 valid survey responses were chosen to conduct statistical analysis. Major findings from this study show that (1) type of community is related to scope of welfare service; (2) feature of community (welfare) is related to scope of welfare service and the existence of community caring center; and (3) public funding and community activity center is related to the existence of community caring center.