摘要: | 近年來台灣地區颱風帶來強風豪雨以及人員傷亡災情,所有國人對此不幸事件都表示相當悲傷與沈痛,而國軍弟兄及民眾救難人員不分晝夜全力搶救災情,充分展現「人飢己飢、人溺己溺」人道精神,將災情降至最低,全力投入相關善後重建,社會各界都給予高度肯定。 基於「愛民助民」的熱忱,當國家發生重大危難,國軍總是秉持救災視同作戰的精神,和苦民所苦的同理心,全力投入救援行列,在許多災難中,後備部隊一直扮演著「支前安後」的角色,依循「全民防衛動員體系」,精確掌握動員能量,在面臨各種災變狀況時迅速執行從進駐救災指揮所與政府門建構聯繫平台開始,聯繫救災兵力派遣、調度機具物資到直接投入災區協助家園重建等,展現充分動員效率,達成協力支援災害應變。 意外危難猝起的場域中,能落實軍民相互扶助、同心協力,所謂「救難如作戰」之核心價值。有鑑於現階段完成之防災規劃,主要針對地震所引發之災害,及災後應變階段所應注意之事項,而區域性重點災害如山坡地災害、颱風、暴雨等災害,則由各地災害現況予以補強,並未特別規劃。因此,本研究擬以軍民協力機制整合為基礎,期建立完善之災害災害防救系統規劃與避難圈之標準建立,使受災之民眾可藉由整合機制,執行災前準備、災時應變及災後避難之參據。 In recent years, Taiwan, torrential rain and strong winds brought by typhoon disaster casualties, all the people in Taiwan have expressed very sad unfortunate incident with Shen Tong, and military brothers and the people day and night to rescue the rescuers disaster, full of "mercy and, suffer I suffer, "humanity will be the disaster to a minimum, the full input-related rehabilitation and reconstruction of the community have given high marks. Based on "loving to help people," enthusiasm, when the country has a major crisis, the military always uphold the spirit of relief as if fighting, and suffering the people suffering from empathy, fully engaged in the relief operation, in many disasters, the reserve forces have been play a "frontline security after the" role, follow the "national defense mobilization system" to mobilize precisely control the energy situation in the face of the rapid implementation of a variety of disaster relief from the command post stationed in contact with the platform to begin construction of the door, contact dispatch of disaster relief forces, scheduling equipment directly into supplies to disaster areas to help rebuild their homes, etc., show the efficiency of full mobilization to achieve third-party support for disaster response. Sudden unexpected distress from the Field, to implement the military and civilian support each other, work together, the so-called "rescue operation as" the core values. In view of the completed disaster plan at this stage, mainly for earthquake induced disasters, and disaster response phase of a matter to be note that, while the regional focus of slope disaster disasters such as typhoons, rainstorms and other flood disaster from the current situation to be reinforced throughout the , not particularly planning. Therefore, this study in order to soldiers based on integration of third-party mechanism, establish and improve the flood of disaster prevention and response planning and evacuation system standards established circle so that people can be affected by the integration mechanism, the implementation of pre-disaster preparedness, disaster response and disaster when According to refuge reference. |