近年來,台灣的古典音樂票房,隨著經濟不景氣有逐漸下滑之趨勢,這對原本觀眾發展並不出色的獨奏(唱)市場,更是雪上加霜。有些古典音樂演奏家利用「偶像行銷」之策略,營造公共知名度,演奏流行樂曲或以跨領域之形式演出,以利票房,然而卻導致某些負面的批評。 本論文的研究主題,在於探討台灣古典音樂演奏家,使用「偶像行銷」後之效益以及對演奏家本身和音樂藝術本質之影響。研究方法採用個案研究法,並輔以問卷調查主要觀眾群—青少年與女性聽眾之意見。研究發現如下: 運用「偶像行銷」在市場效益上對以下四項有正面的影響:一、偶像行銷能幫助演奏家本身的知名度之建立。二、偶像行銷能幫助演奏家本身能建立一批忠實觀眾群。三、偶像行銷能提升演奏家之演奏會票房,尤其是青少年及女性觀眾。四、「偶像行銷」能助益周邊商品開發與販售。「偶像行銷」對演奏家及對音樂藝術本質的影響如下:一、在偶像行銷之策略影響下,演奏家為了票房,在曲目上必須有某種商業考量。二、不同之曲目可能影響演奏會的形式與演奏家的演奏方式。三、演奏家本身知名度越高,個人隱私便要有所犧牲,而在古典音樂界中也必須學習如何與其他音樂家應對。四、演奏家本身若能在純藝術與商業手法上求取平衡,並且不斷充實自我,演奏家本身之藝術本質不致受到影響。 研究者另建議以下三點,以供音樂界之前輩及同好在古典音樂市場低迷的時代參考。一、在音樂教育之系統內,注入市場概念、音樂事業經營等新課程。二、偶像行銷應在音樂會內容與形式上隨著時代而有不同之運作思維,演奏家運用「偶像行銷」之策略是音樂會行銷上的變化而已,但因應此策略後的節目內容,更要考慮目標觀眾群的口味,才能獲致成功。三、偶像行銷並非只要俊男美女即可為之,其背後常常代表著深厚的原創藝術本質以及技術本位,若只是一味操弄媒體,恐怕只能短暫行銷。 Because of the economic recession, ticketing of classical music solo concerts at Taiwan is descending recently. Some soloists think of employing idolatry in marketing, but they sometimes cause criticism by academic people. The main theme of this study is to unfold how effective the idolatry would be on classical music marketing and how it influences the originality of musical art the performers possess. By ways of interviewing two Taiwanese soloists and investigation on the main audience groups-women and adolescence, the researcher then discover the fallowing:1. Idolatry is beneficial in building the reputation of the soloists.2 Idolatry is helpful in collecting faithful customers.3 Idolatry is effective in audience development, especially to the female and young ones.4 Idolatry catalyzes the musical merchandize. As far as the influence on the originality of classical music, the researcher concludes the following points:1. Under the strategy of idolatry marketing, the performer might have to change the repertoire to meet the need and interest of the audience. 2. Forms and style of a concert were also negotiable. 3. The more a soloist gets famous, the less privacy he could have.4. To be balanced in between business and the originality of musical art, the soloist should keep making progress himself. Three suggestions were emphasized by the researcher, including 1. To appeal more audience, we must input the ideas of marketing and concepts of music business administration upon young musicians in their training.2. To follow the trend of this age, form and style should be abundant in various ways when adapting the idolatry marketing.3. To toss the media by handsome appearance is not wise, the real virtuoso is always sold for his art, not his posture.