摘要: | 不管是東方或西方的文化世界當中,「圓」在人的心中一直被視為是一個完美至善的形態,而「圓」這一個造形在藝術創作當中,也有著許多不同的形式表現;另外更重要的是其內在涵意也常被人拿來作為哲學思維的解讀。在筆者的心中,「圓」是一種心靈的象徵符號,因此筆者選擇以「圓形意象」來做為繪畫創作發展的主軸,並結合現代水墨的創作媒材來呈現筆者對於「圓」其意涵呈現的分析與探討,且以此配合創作理念、學理基礎相關文獻、作品形式來做為理念與實務的統整,期望能藉由此一創作研究,能瞭解當以「圓」為創作時所呈現的美感特質與「圓」所意含的價值觀,最後提升水墨創作技法及實現個人的創作意念,並創作出屬於個人的藝術作品,走出個人的藝術風格。 本論文創作論述主要分為五個章節,第一章節主要是從創作研究動機與目的、創作研究問題、創作研究方法與步驟、名詞釋義、創作研究範圍與限制等,利用逐項的分析,來完成創作論述。第二章學理基礎,是探討「圓」之涵義概述,以現代水墨畫的觀點與西方現代藝術的觀點,並探討藝術的繪畫語彙的傳達。第三章創作理念與實踐,是以創作自我的觀照、理念的分析與實踐,去說明個人藝術在創作的形式與想法。第四章「圓形意象」之作品詮釋部分,筆者以「觀日系列」、「心眼系列」、「解構系列」、「生命觀照系列」作為創作的面向,並呈現個人對「圓形意象」主題的創作聯結與創作理念。第五章結論,針對本論創作研究之省思,從頭到尾再做一個檢視,以期能得到一些創作研究的收穫並對未來的創作觀給予一個更高層次的使命感。 In either eastern or western culture, "circle" has been thought as a pattern of perfection. In art works, the shape of circle has been expressed in different forms; moreover, the implied meaning of a circle is often interpreted in philosophy. In my view, "circle" is a symbol of mind, therefore, I choose "The image of circle" as the main idea of art work development, combining modern ink paintings to illlustrate my analysis and discussion of the meanings behind the image "circle", moreover, through innovative thoughts, theoretical literatures, and art work forms, I hope to understand the beauty of circle in art forms and hidden values of circle, thus enhancing my skill in ink paintings and creating my own art works of style. There are five chapters in this essay. In chapter one, the purpose, problem, procedures, and limitation of the art work researches are analyzed step by step. In chapter two, the discussion of circle's meaning and art work expression is supported by modern ink painting and western modern art views. In chapter three, through self-observation and practice, I explain my own art work forms and styles. In chapter four, I use " Observes the sun series", " eyes with the mind series ", "Setting at variance series ", " Life concern series " as my direction of creation to render my link and philosophy of "The image of circle". Lastly, in chapter five, reflection of this essay is reviewed thoroughly by myself, hoping to endow my future works a more leveled objective. |