畫像石是一種石刻繪畫,是漢代為喪葬禮俗服務的功能藝術,主要用於墓室、墓前祠堂、石闕等墓葬建築物,所以畫像石為漢代喪葬美術的代表之一。 徐州由於地理環境、歷史沿革、文化思想等因素,在墓葬形制發展上有其自身特點,而畫像石墓是徐州漢墓中重要組成部分,其墓葬形制隨著時間的推移,由畫像石槨墓演變為多室墓。 本研究以徐州漢代墓葬美術為中心,以徐州青山泉白集畫像石墓為研究個案,從墓葬形制、畫像的雕刻技法、畫像與空間布排的相關性著手,探討漢代墓室如何透過方位、圖像的布排,形塑一個辟邪、升仙且祥瑞的死後理想世界。 透過白集畫像石墓的研究,了解墓葬形制、畫像的雕刻技法、畫像與空間布排,除了突顯徐州地區畫像石墓的地方特色,同時也探討整個漢代墓葬習慣與墓葬藝術所要表達在視覺上的相對風格與習俗。 Pictorial stone engraving used for funerary custom and service in Han dynasty can be considered as a functional art, presenting ceremonies and narratives in visual form. It can be found mainly in tomb chambers, in the ancestral shrines in front of tombs, or on funerary monuments. Stone engraving is the most distinctive artistic medium of funeral art of Han dynasty. Due to particular geographical, historical and cultural factors, the burial places and customs in Xuzhou developed unique characteristics. In Xuzhou area, pictorial stone engravings constitute a major part of tombs. Furthermore, Xuzhou tombs have over time developed from engraved stone tombs to multi-room tomb chambers. This thesis will focus on the art of Xuzhou tombs of Han dynasty, and take the pictorial stone engravings from the tomb in Baiji village of Qingshan Spring Township in Xuzhou as the case study. By this example, we intend to investigate the development of burial places and customs, examine the particular carving skills involved in stone engravings, and analyze compositions and their relationship to the internal space of the tomb. Discussing each of these features in turn, we will see how the Han people tried to depict an afterlife reflecting an idealized view of the world, a realm where immortal souls would dwell in peace while evil spirits were held in check. Our study of the pictorial stone engravings from Baiji tomb reveals artistic features which can be found in engraved tombs of Xuzhou area. Therefore, we intend to explore local stylistic trends and ritualistic practices and the popular tomb art and burial practices of the Han Dynasty as this will help us better to distinguish and explain the original nature, qualities, and elements of the tomb art of the Xuzhou area.