近年自助旅遊風氣越來越盛行,但由於自助旅遊過程常因各種不同之因素使旅遊者產生擔心與不安。而目前以自助旅遊者為主題的研究大多以旅遊動機、體驗、心情以及見聞為主,顯少探討到自助旅遊者所面對的旅遊憂慮,以及其可能採取的因應策略。因此,本研究的主要目的在於探討不同自助旅遊者的自旅遊擔心,以及瞭解舒緩旅遊擔心的因應策略,並依此目的採現況問卷調查方式,驗證自助旅遊者之人口屬性及旅遊經驗在旅遊擔心與因應策略之差異、因旅遊擔心的不同在採行因應策略之差異及旅遊擔心與因應策略的關連性。 本研究針對具自助旅遊經驗之自助旅遊者進行問卷抽樣,共回收有效問卷共423 份,並採用因素分析、集群分析、差異性分析及典型相關分析進行資料分析。研究結果顯示,自助旅遊者的旅遊擔心主要為: 旅遊聯繫問題、突發狀況、健康狀況;所採取因應策略主要為: 結伴同行、事前資訊蒐集與準備、尋求當地人士協助、自我防範、預算控制,而受訪者人口特性、旅遊經驗的不同在旅遊擔心及因應策略均具有顯著差異,而不同的旅遊擔心程度在因應策略上亦具顯著差異,且擔心程度越高採取因應策略的程度愈高,反之則越低;而旅遊擔心與因應策略兩變項間亦具有顯著之相關性。 最後,本研究整合研究結果,提出供自助旅遊面對旅遊擔心之參考建議,使其在旅遊體驗中充分得到自由及增加自信與勇氣。同時,讓相關旅遊業者與政府相關之觀光機構以瞭解不同自助旅遊者的需求,並提供建議作為擬定行銷策略或改善之參考。 The main purpose of this study is to examine the independent travelers’ tourist worry and understand the strategies they use to overcome the tourist worry. The outcome of the study came from 432 useful samples obtained from a questionnaire survey in which the subjects were Taiwanese overseas independent travelers. And factor analysis, one-way anova, cluster analysis and canonical correlation analysis were used to explore the correlations between the tourist worry and copying strategies. The study result shows that different independent travelers for their specific personalities experience different tourist worries and thus take different actions in copying with the problems. Their traveling history and the degree of worry also show significant influence on their copying strategies. Tourist worry and copying strategy are proved to be highly connected to each other. In the end of the study, further insight into the demands of independent travelers will be offered so that the government or tourist agents can take them into consideration.