志工旅遊(volunteer tourism)活動為個人利用其空閒時間和收入到其他地方旅遊外,並參與志願服務工作,協助當地需要幫助的人。回顧國內、外志工旅遊相關研究後發現,國內鮮少有此議題的研究、國外之研究類型多著重在保護自然或生態的志工旅遊、極少學者將研究對象選定單一族群(例如學生)、研究對象均為西方志工,因此文獻批判海外志工旅遊是西方世界特有現象及有錢人的活動、前人忽略參與者於行程前及服務過程中所經歷之生活經驗是影響參與者個人發展的重要因素、學生海外志工旅遊體驗後,對其求學過程或生活態度是否有所影響,及有哪些方面的影響或改變?故本研究以從事教育工作為主之海外志願服務團的台灣學生(高中、大學及研究所在學學生)團員為研究對象,希冀找出是否不同(東、西)文化族群的人對參與志工旅遊的動機;及此活動對參與者帶來的影響或成長東、西方有別。 本研究以深度訪談法蒐集資料、半結構問題訪談13位有參與教育類型海外志工旅遊經驗的台灣學生,樣本選擇為採滾雪球方式。研究發現學生參與動機為多重動機,動機中之親朋好友推薦、旅費支出較少、學校支持及家人逼迫則不同於前人之發現;行程前遭遇困難與挑戰源於外在環境(資訊不足,導致對當地教育需求的認知欠缺、長輩的壓力)及個人內在條件(教學經驗及技巧的不足、入境隨俗的挑戰、語言障礙);參與中所面臨的挑戰包括有來自服務區的挑戰、個人能力與適應力的挑戰(專業能力挑戰、溝通問題、文化差異)及源於服務團隊的壓力;參與活動後對自我改變有心靈成長及心態改變、技能的增長及人生規劃的調整。整體而言,本研究希冀能藉由研究發現,提供有意舉辦相關活動之組織(NGO或旅行業者),針對參與者之旅遊動機規劃其所需之行程,亦希冀彌補志工旅遊文獻之不足。 The volunteer tourism means that people used their leisure time and money to travel to other space and join the voluntary organization in order to help other destitute people. To look back the correlative research, this paper investigate that there are few researches about volunteer tourism and only some scholar suggest investigated single group e.g. Student. This paper find that most research were investigated the environment and the zoology. Therefore, we focus on high school students, college students and graduate student who had joined the volunteer tourism overseas. We use the deep chat method to detect their motivation, the difficulty and challenge before and in participation and the change or influence after participation. This paper used the deep chat method of character research to collect the data. We visit thirteen students who are still studying in school, they had participated the international volunteer tourism and all lived in Taiwan. The choice of swatch is snowball fashion, make use of people who around us and ever participated the international volunteer tourism. This paper find that the participant motivation are:1. The relations or friends introduced. 2. Some people are for service etc.;The problem before go abroad:1.The lack of communication. 2. The pressur from eldership etc.; Problem occured when participate:1.The challenge from service country. 2. The challenge of specialization etc.;Self change after go abroad.:1.The growth of soul and the change of attitude. 2. The advance of skill etc.