本研究首先簡要回顧美國太空發展的歷史,論述了九十年代太空政策的變化與其影響,依據美國過去的發展歷程,也以太空科技帶來利益的各個層面為骨幹,逐一檢視美國過去從「制天權」發展上,獲得何種能力與挑戰,以作為分析中印太空科技發展的參考。經由參考美國的發展經驗,探討中國與印度如何使用太空戰略發展太空技術,發現中印不只將太空技術做為全球化的工具,還將其作為爭奪太空主動權的工具。中國與印度各自發展太空科技的用途,在實行方向有著不甚相同的發展。經由檢視中印的太空抱負與成果,既可明瞭中國與印度獨特的挑戰與機遇,對於理解一般發展中國家目前及未來的太空活動方向及能力應亦有助益。 This essay first reviews U.S. space-technology history and policy in the late 90s in order to find out how U.S. acquire the capability from the purpose of controlling space superiority and what challenges U.S. is facing. Taken the history and interests of U.S. space-technology development as a model, this essay is to try to interpret strategy and motive of China and India's space-technology development by comparing with U.S. case. If China and India follow the path of U.S. space-strategy development, China and India's space technology will be not only a tool of joining the globalization, but also a tool of competing space superiority. Actually China and India have taken different approaches to develop their space technology as well as application. By examining China and India's intentions and consequences of the space strategy, it would help readers understand what opportunities and challenges China and India have, what approach the developing countries might take to conduct their own space experiment, and what capacity the developing countries might have in the space arena.