根據教育部特教通報網上的資料,台灣有越來越多的國小學童被鑑定為是障礙者,尤以「智能障礙」與「學習障礙」兩種心智障礙類別的學童數為最。本研究針對國小教育的智能障礙的鑑定,分析不同行動者與專業體制在鑑定過程扮演的角色。研究發現,教政層面所執行的心智鑑定,標準因不同鑑定執行者而有所差異。校內初篩時落實的不夠嚴格,學校將鑑定的責任推至後續的心評鑑定與安置會議。弔詭的是,學校老師與家長對心評老師的專業能力又常持質疑的態度。以特殊教育體制而言,鑑定過程與特殊教育課程安排互相影響。甚至有以特教資源「供給」誘發特教「需求」的現象,也就是說學校為達特殊教育班級的開班或補助人數下限,通報更多學生,促使越來越多的學童被視為障礙生。 再者,因為許多領域對醫療認知的信仰,醫療認知深刻影響了其他不同領域的觀點。導致醫療鑑定結果,同時決定了許多跨領域鑑定的建議。無論是衛政或教政體制,「專家」在鑑定過程中,往往忽略了不同個體間的多元差異性,也輕忽了鑑定之後可能帶給個案的後續影響。而家長在這個過程,往往扮演著被動接受卻又充滿質疑的角色。最後,本研究指出,障礙與非障礙邊界的認定是一個多方角力的社會建構過程,鑑定的工具與過程本身就帶著社會性。 According to data from Special Education Transmit Net, the numbers of students with intellectual disabilities and learning disabilities has increased significantly over the past twenty years and has become the largest two categories of all disabled students in elementary schools. This study analyzes the disability assessment process in elementary schools and demonstrates that special education resources, parents' perspective and previous experiences of disability assessment affect the assessment process for students with intellectual disabilities in elementary school. Officially, the disability assessment process should be determined by different professions. However, this study shows that the availability of special education resources affects the willingness of the school to recommend students for disability assessment. Medical professionals usually dominate the process of evaluation. The social environments where the students are situated are usually not considered. Parents usually play a passive role, accept the results but still question it. Finally, this research suggests that the boundaries of disability and ability are determined by different social factors and are socially constructed.